Rosie is our wee girl we took in a year and a half ago after the death of her grandmother. Her mother had died when she was four and then her granny when she was six, leaving her pretty much alone in the world. She had extended family but none of them wanted the responsibility of taking on yet another child. She's pictured here with Daniela,Irina's daughter and a real cutie. The two of them are now like cousins and most of the time play well together, just occasionally falling out, usually when one is jealous of the other getting too much attention from our many visitors! While we're away in Scotland Amy will be looking after Rosie, not an easy task! Amy loves her new wee sister but is also driven crazy by her (fairly normal, I'd say) and Rosie can be a handful when the mood takes her. Amy has to balance looking after Rosie with school and extra tuition for Romanian and German, not to mention travelling back and forward from town and also looking after granny's apartment and budgie's while granny is visiting family in England. (Oh, almost forgot to mention feeding our two dogs, two cats, three guinea pigs, one rabbit and fish!)
We have finally found a gap of two weeks without teams or other visitors and so we are flying over to Scotland to do some visiting, speak at a few meetings and discuss future plans with our Scottish committee. We also hope to do some supply teaching to help with finances. Needless to say we are as always pretty tired but we are really looking forward to seeing family and friends ... as many as we can fit in. We apologise in advance to the folk we don't manage to see but hope that they will understand! Amy will be looking after Rosie which will be challenging to say the least!