While looking through some photos to put on the Vis de Copil (A Child's Dream) blog I came across these and thought I'd share them ... aren't they sweet? Their mummy is Kesara, our Birman and the daddy an unknown visitor to the garden ... hmm! All four kittens looked very like their mum, though sadly one died just after birth. We gave one away and kept two, one for Johanna and Philipand one for us, but we ended up keeping them both as Johanna and Philip just took one of our 'outside' cats, tiger Lily and didn't want another after all. Their Westie, Hamish loves the kittens although at first he was a bit scared expecially when they did the hissing and fur on end thing, like in the Aristocats ... hilarious!
The two we kept (don't ask which ones they are in the picture) are now called Mia and Kara and are very sweet, loving cats who like nothing better than to sit on someone's knee and be petted. Kenneth likes to pretend he's a tough guy and always refers to them as 'stupid cats' or some such endearment, but look at the photo for the truth!
Maybe you've heard of the 'Andrex puppy'? These are the Andrex kittens, though truth be told, we can't afford andrex, so it's just a cheapie brand, but they don't care, it unravels just as easily and is such good fun to drape around the house and shred into bits ...