Wednesday 2 February 2011

about time too!

Having just written a very quick post for the 'vis de copil' (a child's dream) blog out of shame at having left it so long since updating, I then glanced at this one to see that it's been even longer since I updated it ... much longer! Shame on me and apologies to anyone daft enough to want to read my ramblings ... What can I say in my defense? Not a lot really, other that we really have been so busy that we are unaware of time passing. We were in the UK for a visit in late August/early September and then again in October to meet with our Scottish support group and trustees. I also was away for a conference sometime between then and Christmas and Kenneth was away doing eye testing in another city ... then Christmas was the usual blur of frantic activity with parties and shoebox gifts. I will make a New Year's resolution right now to update more regularly and to post more photos ... watch this space!