Spring at last!
We're so glad that the weather has turned warmer, no more monthly panic when the gas bill arrives ... until next winter anyway. The price of gas has doubled since last year and inflation in general is still to high. All right it's not hyperinflation like in Zimbabwe and for that we are very grateful but it's still a problem for us and all Romanians.
Arad is a lovely city, this is the river Mures which runs through the middle of the city and provides beautiful walks in all seasons. On Saturday we rounded up the whole family, including granny and Johanna and Philip (except Kenny who didn't come home until evening) and we went for a walk along the "mal" next to the river, ending up at the children's park to let Rosie have a play. We then went to our favourite coffee shop for espressos and cappuccinos.
It's great for the kids having granny around, especially for Rosie who was very fond of her grandmother who died and has now become attached to her new granny. I think it's good for my mum as well even though she misses my aunts and uncles. She has moments when she feels lonely being away from her family and friends but then, she was lonely sometimes back in Britain. She really enjoys having more time with her grand children than she ever had before and of course her new adopted grand children, not only Rosie and Yasmina, but Irina's wee girl Daniela and our friends' children. My mum has a blog so if you want more general info about Arad and Romanian traditions etc check it out www.rose-mynewlifeinromania.blogspot.com She was recently asked to be a guest blogger for BBC Radio Manchester and did a live radio interview! I think the presenter found the idea of a 65 year old moving not to the Algarve but to Romania rather irresistible! We are still very busy, in many ways more so than ever with the day centre now open five days a week but we are trying very hard to take time out at weekends, if not the whole two days.
Most weekends Johanna and Philip and Kenny come home and whenever possible we try to do something together as a family, even if it's just to watch a film and eat popcorn and crisps on a Friday or Saturday night. When Johanna and Philip come home, their wee Westie, Hamish comes too and as you can see, he and Tiger Lily, our three legged cat get on well together!
Thank you for including me in your blog Kathy, you are so right ,I love being with you all and my Grand children are such lovely people and thoughtful and kind . They are all clever too ( don't take after thier Granny in that respect!!)
They are all a credit to you and Kenneth and I am very proud of them.I think you and Kenneth are wonderful too, I love you very much. Mum x x x x x x x x x x
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