Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Traumatic week and it's only Wednesday!

Well, I suppose most weeks seem to have their trauma but it's only Wednesday and this week has seen more than enough for our family. Amy had an operation on Monday to remove her tonsils - after frequent severe bouts of tonsilitis for over 5 years the ENT department finally agreed to operate. Amy's form teacher is very concerned as this is Bacalaureat year and Amy can't afford to keep missing school. The operation was done under local anaesthetic and was quite an ordeal for Amy, I don't think I could have done it! She is still off school and in a lot of pain but she's looking forward to a tonsilitis-free winter.

Today I had a text message from Kenny saying that he'd been beaten up last night and ended up in casualty. He says he was checked over and x-rayed and apart from bruising and concussion he's ok and actually attended lectures today - very dedicated of him, but I don't know how wise given the concussion!

Otherwise life is busy and more than a little stressful. Renovation work at the day centre is nearing completion, we have paint colour and tiles to pick and it should be finished by the wend of next week. When it's over we have the daunting prospect of tidying up and sorting through all the aid which all had to be piled into a huge mountain in one of the activity rooms. Add to it all this evening's unannounced arrival of 1000 shoeboxes and you can see why we're a bit stressed.

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