Thursday, 22 October 2009
Yasmina ... our little princess!
Thursday, 15 October 2009
with Philip's dad
While looking through photos trying to decide what to put on the blog and came across a few taken in September last year while Philip's dad, Malcolm was staying with us for a few months. It's not great quality because I snapped it on my phone, but I like it. We took the circus arts team up to a mountain resort called Moneasa to perform for children with special needs at a camp there. I took Johanna, Philip and Malcolm with me so that Malcolm could have a day out and a change of scenery from the flat terrain of Arad. We went to the "Outlaws cabin" restaurant for some hot soup sitting next to the log fire ... lovely memories.

Saturday, 10 October 2009
Rafaela's blessing
Monday, 21 September 2009
as usual, no time to write!
Our lives are always so busy. I always think it's going to get easier and we'll have more time ... but it's never happened so far. While we were in the UK Irina and Viorel's baby boy, Gabriel was born - they are coping reasonably well with having two children, especially as wee Daniela just started school which she is loving. Since our return from the UK three weeks ago we have had a performing arts team - they were great, I'll post photos as soon as I get chance. Then we had the birth of Johanna and Philip's baby, obviously a major event in all our lives.
Last week we finally employed a full time social worker, Dana whose post is funded for the first year by "Humanity at Heart" a small charity in the south of England. We also have Angelica working with us as a general worker in the day centre, her job is funded jointly by PCF Romania Projects in Wolverhampton, UK and our Scottish Support Group based in Falkirk, Scotland. Our new Peace Corps volunteer, Shaneka brings our basic "stable" team to five with Kenneth and myself (hence I use the word stable loosely!). We have Irina and Lidia as regular volunteers -Irina didn't want to continue working full time but would like at some point to be taken on again as part time. Finally, three of the young folk from the streets volunteer on a less regular basis, but we are keen to encourage them and develop this aspect of the work.
These long hoped for additions mean that (at least in theory) we should be able to be freed up a little to do some of the other things which we have long struggled to find time for - more time for writing newsletters and reports and of course more time for sadly neglected family and friends!
Last week we finally employed a full time social worker, Dana whose post is funded for the first year by "Humanity at Heart" a small charity in the south of England. We also have Angelica working with us as a general worker in the day centre, her job is funded jointly by PCF Romania Projects in Wolverhampton, UK and our Scottish Support Group based in Falkirk, Scotland. Our new Peace Corps volunteer, Shaneka brings our basic "stable" team to five with Kenneth and myself (hence I use the word stable loosely!). We have Irina and Lidia as regular volunteers -Irina didn't want to continue working full time but would like at some point to be taken on again as part time. Finally, three of the young folk from the streets volunteer on a less regular basis, but we are keen to encourage them and develop this aspect of the work.
These long hoped for additions mean that (at least in theory) we should be able to be freed up a little to do some of the other things which we have long struggled to find time for - more time for writing newsletters and reports and of course more time for sadly neglected family and friends!
Saturday, 12 September 2009
oh no ... more clokes!
Thursday, 3 September 2009
to the Uk and back & a nice photo of Scotland
Our visit was quite a mixture of good and bad times. It was lovely to see friends and family (not that we saw much of family sadly ... need to do a separate trip I think) but we had a few problems to deal with which took a lot of our time. We were also not very well and on top of everything we received some very sad news, the 24 year old son of some very dear friends here in Arad died of cancer and an old friend was found in the river Clyde. We were deeply affected by both deaths and can't even begin to imagine what it must be like for the parents in both cases. Then as we travelled across Europe we heard of a colleagues death.
Coming back saw us, as usual plunged right into the thick of things ... our new Peace Corps volunteer arrived in our absence, a team of entertainers arrived the day after us and there was the usual catching up af all the things left undone in our absence. Then to top it all, more sad news - Philip's lovely dad Malcolm finally lost his years long batle with cancer - we'll miss him.
Amy stayed behind to help friends with their son after school, just until the end of the month. Kenny is hopping between Arad and Timisoara and doing the occasional gig DJ-ing. Johanna is now 9 months and 8 days pregnant ... watch this space!
Monday, 22 June 2009
no time to stand and stare ... or blog!
I was just thinking how litle time I have to do anything these days, least of all update the family blog, when the words of a poem popped into my head ... "What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare, no time to sit beneath the bows and stare as long as sheep or cows ..." and so on until it concludes "a poor life this, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare!"
Well if that's the measure of our lives, then they are poor indeed because the very last thing we ever have time to do is to stand and stare!
Johanna is expecting a baby in August and is finding the the weather very hard going - having been pregnant in Pakistan with Kenny I sympathise, it was a tough nine months with temperatures never falling below 35 degrees C. Poor Johanna is working every day in surgery and the hospital air conditioning is not working so it's like an oven. She and Philip are enjoying life in the country although I think they'll be very glad when they finally get running water and an indoor bathroom! Kenneth is working on the bathroom in his 'spare' time (hence the reason they still don't have one!) and now Mark, our handy volunteer is helping ... so the end is in sight!
Kenny and Amy are both in the middle of exams, Kenny has his univeristy end of year exams and Amy has her Baccalaureat. Kenny hasn't been keeping very well, as well as a lot of back pain he has had a few other health problems and on top of all that he is having to move apartment again. On the positive side, he is still going out with Alina, a lovely girl from the south of the country who is just finishing university in Timisoara. Amy is very stressed about the exams but passed her Romanian and German oral exams with high marks - the oral results are given immediately which was good as it may give her a little much needed confidence for the remaining exams.
Kenneth isn't very well at all but we're not exactly sure what's wrong with him. he's been having headaches, dizziness and nausea. He's has various tests including a CT scan but nothing major has shown up so far. The Neurologist thinks it's nothing major but is sending him for an MRI to be sure . One theory is prolonged overwork and stress ... well, that's certainly a possibility.
Kenneth isn't very well at all but we're not exactly sure what's wrong with him. he's been having headaches, dizziness and nausea. He's has various tests including a CT scan but nothing major has shown up so far. The Neurologist thinks it's nothing major but is sending him for an MRI to be sure . One theory is prolonged overwork and stress ... well, that's certainly a possibility.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
two of our favourite houses
Friday, 13 March 2009
let it snow, let it snow ...
The picture above is the view out the back from our 'loft apartment' (some of you might have seen a very similar view on a Christmas card a couple of years ago) and the photo on the right is the view out of the other side looking out over the courtyard ... take a look at those icicles, amazing or what?
Sunday, 22 February 2009
An armfull of kittens!
Maybe you've heard of the 'Andrex puppy'? These are the Andrex kittens, though truth be told, we can't afford andrex, so it's just a cheapie brand, but they don't care, it unravels just as easily and is such good fun to drape around the house and shred into bits ...
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Kenny 21 tomorrow!
Wow ... just looked at my blogs and saw that I haven't updated for almost a month ... where did the time go? The lead up to Christmas was pretty frantic as always but not in the British sense of running around buying heaps of Christmas presents and too much food and drink. We had the builders in at the day centre right up til the 23rd and we were also trying to distribute clothing to poor families and street folk.
On top of all that Kenny had his concussion and broken hand and Amy had an operation to remove her tonsils. Kenneth was working evenings and weekends at Johanna and Philip's house trying to get it habitable for them to move in for Christmas. To cut a long story short, they did move in the week before Christmas and host Christmas day for all the family and a few friends - 22 in all. They still have no bathroom and just the outside earth closet ... life in the country eh!!! Will write more about Christmas and post some photos soon ...
In the meantime it's Kenny's 21st birthday tomorrow and the poor soul has nothing planned - no presents, no parties, no nothing and he's feeling a wee bit down ... need to see what we can do!
On top of all that Kenny had his concussion and broken hand and Amy had an operation to remove her tonsils. Kenneth was working evenings and weekends at Johanna and Philip's house trying to get it habitable for them to move in for Christmas. To cut a long story short, they did move in the week before Christmas and host Christmas day for all the family and a few friends - 22 in all. They still have no bathroom and just the outside earth closet ... life in the country eh!!! Will write more about Christmas and post some photos soon ...
In the meantime it's Kenny's 21st birthday tomorrow and the poor soul has nothing planned - no presents, no parties, no nothing and he's feeling a wee bit down ... need to see what we can do!
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