Monday, 22 June 2009

no time to stand and stare ... or blog!

I was just thinking how litle time I have to do anything these days, least of all update the family blog, when the words of a poem popped into my head ... "What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare, no time to sit beneath the bows and stare as long as sheep or cows ..." and so on until it concludes "a poor life this, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare!"

Well if that's the measure of our lives, then they are poor indeed because the very last thing we ever have time to do is to stand and stare!

Johanna is expecting a baby in August and is finding the the weather very hard going - having been pregnant in Pakistan with Kenny I sympathise, it was a tough nine months with temperatures never falling below 35 degrees C. Poor Johanna is working every day in surgery and the hospital air conditioning is not working so it's like an oven. She and Philip are enjoying life in the country although I think they'll be very glad when they finally get running water and an indoor bathroom! Kenneth is working on the bathroom in his 'spare' time (hence the reason they still don't have one!) and now Mark, our handy volunteer is helping ... so the end is in sight!

Kenny and Amy are both in the middle of exams, Kenny has his univeristy end of year exams and Amy has her Baccalaureat. Kenny hasn't been keeping very well, as well as a lot of back pain he has had a few other health problems and on top of all that he is having to move apartment again. On the positive side, he is still going out with Alina, a lovely girl from the south of the country who is just finishing university in Timisoara. Amy is very stressed about the exams but passed her Romanian and German oral exams with high marks - the oral results are given immediately which was good as it may give her a little much needed confidence for the remaining exams.

Kenneth isn't very well at all but we're not exactly sure what's wrong with him. he's been having headaches, dizziness and nausea. He's has various tests including a CT scan but nothing major has shown up so far. The Neurologist thinks it's nothing major but is sending him for an MRI to be sure . One theory is prolonged overwork and stress ... well, that's certainly a possibility.

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