oh no ... more clokes!
On Monday evening at 2045 Central European Time (GMT +3) baby Rafaela Alisa More finally deigned to enter the world. More than two weeks late and after a long labour (poor Philip really suffered!) Johanna finally gave birth as she had wanted, naturally and completely drug free. The photo above is literally just after birth once she'd been checked out by the paediatrician and the photo below was taken the next day when my mum came. My mum, myself, Johanna and now Rafaela are all firstborns and all girls, so it was quite a rare and special photo!
Congratulations! It is a special event. So glad everything went well.
Well done Johanna and Philip, congratulations "GRADMA and GRAND-DAD" Kate and Ken. We are so pleased that all went well and that all is well! We look forward to meeting Rafaela and "wetting her head" Much love to all. Doreen and Wally xxx
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